Profile of Perseverance: Frida Kahlo

"Feet, what do I need you for when I have wings to fly." - Frida Kahlo Frida Kahlo is considered to be one of Mexico's greatest artists. She is best known for her surreal brightly coloured still-lifes and of course her famous self-portraits which unapologetically featured her uni-brow and mustache. She was confident in her beauty and refused to conform to the male-gaze and narrow societal beauty standards. Frida's work mainly features Mexican imagery and motifs. Although Frida's art is well-known and well-loved worldwide, many people do not realize that Frida was a wheelchair user for much of her life. She began painting her ubiquitous self-portraits after an accident left her injured and bed-bound for…

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Profile of Perseverance: Steven Hawking

"My advice to other disabled people would be, concentrate on things your disability doesn't prevent you from doing well, and don't regret the things it interferes with." - Stephen Hawking Professor Stephen Hawking is one of the most recognizable and well-known scientists of the 21st century. His contributions to cosmology and theoretical physics are numerous. As well as being a poster boy of modern science, he is also a recognizable figure for his disability. Soon after beginning his graduate studies at Cambridge in cosmology and general relativity, he was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS, a disease that causes the progressive degradation of motor neurons overtime. While he was initially only given a few…

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Profile of Perseverance: Christopher Reeve

I refuse to allow a disability to determine how I live my life. There is only one way to go in life and that is forward." - Christopher Reeve Christopher Reeve was an American actor, filmmaker and activist. He is best known for playing the title role in Superman (1978) and its sequels. In addition to his acting career, he was also a skilled equestrian. Unfortunately, during a competition he was thrown from his horse and broke his neck. This resulted in a cervical spinal cord injury, paralyzing him from the neck down. Subsequently, requiring him to use a wheelchair and ventilator for the rest of his life. After his injury he turned primarily to…

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