New York City: Wheeling Around the Big Apple

It needs no introduction: "The Big Apple", "The City That Never Sleeps", "Gotham", "The Capital of the World", "A City of Neon and Chrome." The city so nice they named it twice: New York, New York. New York City was the first capital of the United States of America. Now it is not even the capital of its state: Albany took that distinction. However, New York City is the quintessential cosmopolitan metropolis in the hearts of many. With countless iconic views recognizable from films, tv, and photos. New York City is a melting pot of cultures and people from all over the world. It is estimated over 800 languages are spoken in the city. It…

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Enjoying Edmonton’s River Valley Trails as a Wheelchair User

Edmonton's North Saskatchewan River Valley Parks System Also known as "The Ribbon of Green" the North Saskatchewan River Valley Parks System is one of a kind. Boasting the largest stretch of connected urban parkland in North America! Not bad for a city with a population of just under 1.5 million. The city is built around this strip of green. Edmonton's river valley is its pride and joy. Offering a chance to get away to nature in a matter of minutes from virtually anywhere in the city. The network of green space an parks was first proposed in 1907 by landscape architect Frederick Todd. Up until the 1930's the only developments in the river valley were…

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Wheelchair Ice Fishing in Alberta, Canada

I will preface this by saying that I am a bad Canadian, as this was my first time ever ice fishing. But better late than never as they say. With coronavirus travel restrictions in full swing, adventure options are limited to more local escapades. So it was fitting that I finally gave ice fishing a go. I'm not going to lie.. the last 3 times I went (regular) fishing in my adult life, I never caught anything... and I am kind of happy about that. I have traumatic memories fishing at the lake as a kid, and the realization after finally reeling one in that I would actually have to deal with the fish. Luckily…

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